by Christopher Cutkomp
April 2, 2008
One in every 31 U.S. Adults was in a prison or jail or on probation or parole at the end of 2006. The U.S. adult correctional population — incarcerated or in the community — reached 7.2 million men and women.
On December 31, 2006, there were 798,202 adult men and women on parole. Parolees are criminal offenders supervised conditionally in the community following a prison term. The parole population grew by 17,586 –– an increase of 2.3 percent. This was greater than the average annual increase of 1.5 percent since 1995.
Of those parolees still under supervision at year end 2006, nearly 2 in 5 had been convicted of a drug offense, while about 1 in 4 had been convicted of a violent or property offense.
About half of all probationers had been convicted of a felony (49 percent), about half were convicted of a misdemeanor (49 percent), and 2 percent were convicted of other infractions. More than 7 in 10 were on probation for a non-violent offense, including more than a quarter for a drug law violation and a sixth for driving while intoxicated.
According to the USDOJ Bureau of Prison Statistics, at year end 2006 there were 3,042 black male sentenced prisoners per 100,000 black males in the United States, compared to 1,261 Hispanic male sentenced prisoners per 100,000 Hispanic males and 487 white male sentenced prisoners per 100,000 white males.
An estimated 60,500 inmates (or 4.5% of all State and Federal inmates) experienced one or more incidents of sexual victimization involving other inmates or staff.
Those are all statistics directly from government websites. It doesn't take a genius to see that there is something really messed up going on in this country.
We really do not have any moral authority to act as police of the world when our own society is in desperate need of help.
Of course violent crimes should be prosecuted. That isn't the issue here.
When actual rights are violated, of course the perps should meet justice. That's also not the issue here.
The way we are going, we are doomed for destruction.
Have you ever considered what happens to a person when you send them to prison for weed and they get raped in the butt while there? You turn an innocent person into a victim of your intolerance or indifference. That's the damned truth.
Obviously he knew that weed was illegal, but that isn't the issue. It's a plant, and a useful one at that. The person did nothing wrong. Screw the IRS. Screw the DEA. That person did nothing wrong.
What I'm trying to say is that your intolerance or indifference towards what amounts to social issues or cultural differences, leads to innocent people getting raped in the butt while incarcerated for your intolerance or indifference.
You might as well have raped that person yourself.
What really sucks is that the overall problem is much too large to be corrected by playing within the cell they've built up around this country. The prison rape issue is just the tip of the iceberg. The intolerance in this country is strong, and has been largely hidden from the public eye, but it has reached a boiling point.
I stopped working for the system long ago. I'm sorry for the honest people within the system that get stiffed because of my inability to work within the system any longer, but someone has to take a stand. I'll pay you back when the wars are over or when I find my niche outside of the box. I'm sorry, but my brain scrambles and my heart aches at the mere thought of a non-rights violating offender such as a pot dealer getting raped in prison because of my neighbors intolerance for a natural plant. I cannot knowingly work to pay for such a thing. I just cannot do it. By doing so, I'd be knowingly violating my own right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
I've just talked about the internal social wars so far. What about Iraq? Iran? Cuba? Over a million Iraqi's are dead or maimed now and you work your ass off to pay for it. Then you come home and watch it on TV.
Our infrastructure is starting to crumble. Our children isn't learning. We are fat, poisoned and unhealthy. It's not because of gays, Muslims or potheads. It's because of ignorance, fear, stupidity and lack of tolerance.
Seriously folks, you work a third of your life at gunpoint and get little or nothing in return for it. I see what is going on, and you'll throw me in prison for refusing to comply. You won't even see that I'm actually standing up for your rights as well as my own and others being violated.
It's not that I don't want to get a steady job and work for a better life, I just cannot knowingly pay to have innocent people jailed, murdered, harassed or raped in the butt. I just cannot do it. I refuse.
If I get a steady job or start a business and then cheat on any forms in order to avoid paying for that crap, I'm the one that goes to jail to get raped in the butt for refusing to pay for non-violent offenders to go to prison and raped in the butt. I get raped in the butt for refusing to pay to bomb innocent folks around the world. Oh, what a wonderful life.
Please show some tolerance and start making some sense as a society. Please step outside of your box for just a day so you can see how your indifference and knowing compliance inflicts real pain upon many people.
Really, you are killing me. I mean seriously, are you really going to try to make me take one up the ass for you?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
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